Java Reference
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Adding the following line to the constructor computes the value of the field:
this . r = Math . sqrt ( cx * cx + cy * cy ); // Pythagorean theorem
But wait; this new field r has the same name as the radius field r in the Circle
superclass. When this happens, we say that the field r of PlaneCircle hides the field
r of Circle . (This is a contrived example, of course: the new field should really be
called distanceFromOrigin ).
In code that you write, you should avoid declaring fields with
names that hide superclass fields. It is almost always a sign of
bad code.
With this new definition of PlaneCircle , the expressions r and this.r both refer to
the field of PlaneCircle . How, then, can we refer to the field r of Circle that holds
the radius of the circle? A special syntax for this uses the super keyword:
r // Refers to the PlaneCircle field
this . r // Refers to the PlaneCircle field
super . r // Refers to the Circle field
Another way to refer to a hidden field is to cast this (or any instance of the class) to
the appropriate superclass and then access the field:
(( Circle ) this ). r // Refers to field r of the Circle class
This casting technique is particularly useful when you need to refer to a hidden field
defined in a class that is not the immediate superclass. Suppose, for example, that
classes A , B , and C all define a field named x and that C is a subclass of B , which is a
subclass of A . Then, in the methods of class C , you can refer to these different fields
as follows:
x // Field x in class C
this . x // Field x in class C
super . x // Field x in class B
(( B ) this ). x // Field x in class B
(( A ) this ). x // Field x in class A
super . super . x // Illegal; does not refer to x in class A
You cannot refer to a hidden field x in the superclass of a
superclass with super.super.x . This is not legal syntax.
Similarly, if you have an instance c of class C , you can refer to the three fields named
x like this:
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