Hardware Reference
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Figure 2-28. Arduino organization Arduino repository
Once you have the your own fork, and have cloned it locally you will want to compile and run the Arduino IDE
from source code. Arduino has documented this process here: https://code.google.com/p/arduino/wiki/
BuildingArduino . Once you are able to run the software using “ant run” you can now make changes to the source
code. It is now possible to find issues in the Arduino project's issue list and fix them. Using the social coding
techniques you will be able to make changes to the software, and submit your changes as pull requests back to the
Arduino project. It's a big challenge to get this far with a large project, but it is really worthwhile to be able to make a
great project even better with the power of the open source community.
The combination of tools allows for complete issue tracking and code management.
How to build the Arduino IDE from source
Now that you have the source code, you will want to run the code to identify the changes and test that everything is
working. There is a straightforward process for doing this, but installing the toolkit is a little bit tricky. The process is
different for the Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms.
For Windows:
Install Cygwin:
Install JDK
Install ANT
Configure ANT home directory
Install GIT (you may have already installed it)
Clone your fork of Arduino or Clone Arduino
Go to project directory
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