Hardware Reference
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For normal text you can type standard sentence structure. Paragraphs will automatically break at the new line. This
combination of links, code formatting, and basic information structuring can get you started documenting your
project. More importantly, effective documentation can help people understand why project is important, how they
can help support it, and when to join in with you to document it.
Contributing to Arduino Development
Now that you're comfortable with the concepts and tools of social coding, I'll present an example workflow that sets
up an Arduino social development environment, using the concepts and tools discussed in the preceding sections of
this chapter.
The proper way to contribute code and fixes to the Arduino project is to fork the repository to your own area
on GitHub. Then you can make changes to your repository and commit those changes to your repository. Next,
you create a pull request on GitHub for those changes to be merged into the main project. This pull request can be
reviewed, and then rejected or accepted into the project.
Forking Your Own Copy of Arduino
Here are the steps you would use to configure your own repository from Arduino's official repository on GitHub.
Figure 2-28 shows Arduino GitHub project page.
Log into GitHub at http://github.com .
Go to the Arduino project:
http://github.com/arduino/Arduino .
Select Fork for the Arduino project on the GitHub interface. This places a copy of the
Arduino repository into your own GitHub area. Now that you have that in place, you need
to clone your copy of Arduino to your local machine. This process is called cloning your
fork of Arduino, and can be accomplished with the following command:
$ git clone git@github.com:username/Arduino.git
If you don't need the entire project history, use this instead:
$ git clone git@github.com:arduino/Arduino.git --depth 1
Set the official Arduino repository as the upstream repository. The upstream repository is
needed so that you can pull down new code that other people add to the Arduino project.
Here are the commands to do so:
$ cd Arduino
$ git remote add upstream git@github.com:arduino/Arduino.git
Now that you have this in place, you can start editing the code. After a while, you'll want to
fetch and merge changes from Arduino every time new code is added. This is done with
the following commands:
$ git fetch upstream
$ git merge upstream/master
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