Geography Reference
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Input layer
Intersect layer
Output layer
Figure 5.4 Intersect operator.
Input layer
Identity layer
Output layer
Figure 5.5 Identity operator.
layer features are retained. Attributes from both layers are transferred to the output
Identity overlays points, lines, or polygons on polygons and keeps all input layer
features (with transfer of attributes for both layers). h e identity overlay is illustrated
in Figure 5.5.
For lines, all input lines are retained but the lines are split and nodes added where
the lines overlap with the identity layer features. For points, all input points are retained
but the ID numbers of the polygon/s within which points fall are assigned to those
5.2.3 'Cookie cutter' operations: erase and clip
'Cookie cutter' operations are widely used—these enable cutting features within a given
feature (termed the 'erase operator') or outside a given feature (sometimes termed the
'clip operator'). Unlike the operators described above, attributes are not transferred
from both input layers to the output layer—instead only the attributes of the input
layer appear in the output layer.
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