HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Html5 now is smart enough to figure out whether the browser
already has support for particular HTML5 features; it won't interfere
if that's the case, so it's safe to use across all browsers. But it's a
heavyweight script, so if you're only intending to use a small number
of HTML5 features you'll be better off detecting them directly, as
discussed in the section “Detecting supported features.''
In this chapter you've learned about the following:
How the new form input types available in HTML5 greatly increase
the range of options you had in HTML4
How you can reduce the amount of JavaScript you have to write to
validate input
Other new features, such as autofocus and placeholder text
Support available in web browsers right now, and how to detect
what support is provided by your users' browsers
You should now be ready to take your forms to the next level with
In the last two chapters, you've learned about HTML5 features that
are extensions of common usages of HTML4 markup. In the next few
chapters, you'll learn about some of the completely new
functionality in HTML5 for dealing with media and dynamic
graphics. We'll start in chapter 3 with a look at canvas and SVG, the
two HTML5 technologies for drawing graphics in the browser.
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