HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
your markup for errors as well as tools that will help you examine the
results of your markup in the browser. With these tools, you'll be well
equipped to learn more for yourself.
Learning more
In this chapter, you've learned enough to get you started with HTML .
The best way to build on this foundation is to try things for yourself
and see what happens. This section shows you some tools for doing this
and resources for learning more.
Web tools
After you've written some markup, how can you tell if it's correct?
You've seen in this appendix that even when things look OK in the
browser, there can be hidden problems that will eventually trip you up.
Here are a couple of online tools that can help.
The first tool is from the World Wide
Web Consortium ( W3C —the body
that defines many web standards): .
This service checks that your markup
is well formed and follows the rules
described previously, such as no
block-level elements as descendants
of inline elements. You should try to
fix any errors reported.
The validator will check that your
markup is technically correct, but it
doesn't concern itself with matters
of best practice. For this, you need a
linter like HTML Lint: http:// .
Errors reported by a linter are more
concerned with matters of style than
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