Database Reference
In-Depth Information
box that appears, make sure that “copy of current file” is selected as the Type option. When
you click Save, FileMaker makes your copy in the background, and you can continue work-
ing in the original file.
But if you want to start working in the copy you've just made, select the “Automatically
open file” option before you click Save. FileMaker makes the copy of your file and then
opens it for you. FileMaker doesn't close the original file for you, so if you're finished with
the original, choose it from the Window menu and then close it to avoid confusion. Now only
your new copy of the file is open.
If you want to make a copy of your database to send to an associate in another office, choose
the “Create email with file as attachment” option. FileMaker copies your file, launches your
email program, creates a new email, and then attaches your newly minted file copy to it. All
you have to do is provide an email address, type your message, and then click Send. See
Save/Send Records As to see how you can use similar options if you want to send data to
your associate in another format, like a PDF file.
Always make sure a database is closed before you copy its file by using any of the desktop methods
(like Edit→Copy in Windows Explorer or the Mac's Finder). If you copy a database file while it's
open in FileMaker, both the original and the copy may be damaged, missing information, or in the
most serious cases, rendered totally unusable! If you have any doubt about whether your file is still
open, check your Window menu for hidden files, or for the ultimate in safety choose Exit (PC) or
Quit (Mac) FileMaker.
Saving a Clone of Your Database
There's no ban on cloning in FileMaker. Clones are clean copies of your database, but
without the data. Clones are really useful, like when you've designed a killer database for
running sales in your dart and billiards supply shop, and you want to send the files to all your
franchisees without giving away your store's sales data. Just make clones of your files and
then give them to your proud new owners. To make a clone, choose File→“Save a Copy As,”
and then make sure “clone (no records)” is selected as the Type option.
Using FileMaker's Help Menu
As helpful as this introduction to databases has been, you may want to use FileMaker's on-
board help to get more information ( Figure 1-21 ). There you find commands for FileMaker's
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