Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1-20. Specify the size of FileMaker's cache and how often your work is moved from the
cache to your hard drive. (Nerds call that “flushing the cache.”) A larger cache yields better per-
formance but leaves more data in RAM. If you're working on a laptop, you can conserve battery
power by saving cache contents less frequently. But infrequent cache saving comes with some risk:
In case of a power outage or other catastrophe, the work that's in cache is lost for good.
Saving a Copy of Your Database
Although FileMaker automatically saves your work as you go, what if the database file itself
gets lost or suffers some digital harm? It's in your best interest to back up your database peri-
odically. You can perform a backup by closing all your database's windows and then simply
copying the database file. For example, you can copy it up to a cloud storage website, email
it to a friend, or duplicate it and tuck the copy away in another folder. When your database is
open, the easiest way to make a backup is to choose File→“Save a Copy As.” In the dialog
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