Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 8-19. This window has three container fields, all containing an image that's too big to fit.
Each field is set to crop, but with different alignments. On the left, the image is set to align Left.
The center image is set to align Center. Finally, the right image is set to align Right. As you can
see, FileMaker cuts off each image, but the alignment setting determines which portion of the im-
age is visible.
Optimize For
Container fields can hold just about anything, but when you're setting one up you usually
know what kind of item you intend to store there. The containers in, say, your sound-effects
database probably won't be holding spreadsheets. Take a moment to clue FileMaker in on
your intentions here, and it will reward you with the best container field experience back in
Browse mode. Choose Images for regular pictures. Opt for “Interactive content” if the con-
tainer field is to house audio, video, or PDFs. When you do, FileMaker will display the ap-
propriate controls for starting and stopping the content or browsing the pages of the PDF.
Placing interactive file types in a container field optimized for images won't cause any harm,
but instead of seeing the video or hearing the sound, you'll see only an icon and file name.
Merge Fields
Knowing what you know now, if you set out to build a layout yourself, you'd probably jump
right for the Field tool and start dragging fields onto the layout. But look closely at Fig-
ure 8-20 first. When you put a field on a layout, you're putting it exactly where you want it.
No matter what record you're on when you look at the layout, that field value is in the same
spot. Usually, that's where you want it to be, but sometimes—like in a new List Layout—you
want something a little more flexible. You want the Last Name field to start where the first
name ends. Since some first names are longer than others, this spot changes from record to
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