Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Here's a list of refreshers on the options you can set in the Edit Relationship window: allow record
creation ( Creating a Relationship Between Two Table Occurrences ) , delete, and sort ( Sorting a Rela-
tionship ) . See the box on Cascading Deletes to learn about the hidden danger of using the delete op-
tion for related records.
Implicit Relationships in Action
When you modeled the JobsInvoices database, you learned about implicit relationships.
These relationships are when tables are connected to one another through other tables. For
example, when you create a lookup field in the Invoice table that can enter data from the
Customer table, you're leveraging an implicit relationship. Specifically, Invoices and Cus-
tomers don't relate to each other directly ( Figure 5-24 ). They relate to each other through the
Jobs table. So you didn't create or need a Customer ID in the Invoice table to pull the data
from Customers. FileMaker uses the Job ID field to find the right Customer and then put the
right data into the Invoice table's name and address fields. Because it can feel like having a
direct pipeline into a table, using these implicit relationships is sometimes called tunneling .
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