Graphics Programs Reference
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Select QuizViewController.xib in the project navigator to reopen it. In the outline
view, find the File's Owner object (which is standing in for the QuizViewControl-
ler ). Right-click or Control-click on the File's Owner to bring up the connections panel
( Figure 1.14 ) . Then drag from the circle beside questionField to the UILabel .
Figure 1.14 Setting questionField
(If you do not see questionField here, double-check your QuizViewControl-
ler.h file for typos. Did you end each line with a semicolon? Have you saved the file
since you added questionField ?)
Now when this XIB file is loaded when the application launches, the QuizViewCon-
troller 's questionField pointer will automatically point to this instance of
UILabel . This will allow the QuizViewController to talk to the label it calls
questionField . This is the label on top of the screen.
Next, drag from the circle beside answerField to the other UILabel ( Figure 1.15 ).
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