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jects will talk to. Those objects can ask the singleton class for its one instance, which is
better than passing that instance as an argument to every method that will use it.
To get the (single instance of) BNRItemStore , you will send the BNRItemStore
class the message sharedStore . Declare this class method in BNRItemStore.h .
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface BNRItemStore : NSObject
// Notice that this is a class method and prefixed with a + instead of a -
+ (BNRItemStore *)sharedStore;
When this message is sent to the BNRItemStore class, the class will check to see if the
single instance of BNRItemStore has already been created. If it has, the class will re-
turn the instance. If not, it will create the instance and return it. In BNRItemStore.m ,
implement sharedStore .
+ (BNRItemStore *)sharedStore
static BNRItemStore *sharedStore = nil;
if (!sharedStore)
sharedStore = [[super allocWithZone:nil] init];
return sharedStore;
Notice that the variable sharedStore is declared as static . Unlike a local variable, a
static variable does not live on the stack and is not destroyed when the method returns. In-
stead, a static variable is only declared once (when the application is loaded into
memory), and it is never destroyed. A static variable is like a local variable in that you
can only access this variable in the method in which it is declared. Therefore, no other ob-
ject or method can use the BNRItemStore pointed to by this variable except via the
sharedStore method.
The initial value of sharedStore is nil . The first time this method runs, an instance
of BNRItemStore will be created, and sharedStore will be set to point to it. In sub-
sequent calls to this method, sharedStore will still point at that instance of
BNRItemStore . This variable has a strong reference to the BNRItemStore and, since
this variable will never be destroyed, the object it points to will never be destroyed either.
To enforce the singleton status of BNRItemStore , you must ensure that another in-
stance of BNRItemStore cannot be allocated. One approach would be to override al-
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