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loc in BNRItemStore so that it does not create a new instance but returns the existing
instance instead.
However, there is a problem with this approach: alloc is a dummy method. It just calls
allocWithZone: , which then calls the C function NSAllocateObject , which does
the actual memory allocation ( Figure 9.7 ).
Figure 9.7 Default allocation chain
Thus, a knowledgeable programmer could still create an instance of BNRItemStore via
allocWithZone: , which would bypass our sneaky alloc trap. To prevent this pos-
sibility, override allocWithZone: in BNRItemStore.m to return the single
BNRItemStore instance.
+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
return [self sharedStore];
Now if sharedStore were to send alloc or allocWithZone: to
BNRItemStore , then the method would call BNRItemStore 's implementation of
allocWithZone: . That implementation just calls sharedStore , which would then
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