Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
1.1 Design Entry using the Graphic Editor
Examine the CAD tool overview diagram in Figure 1.5. The initial path in this
section will be from schematic capture (Graphical Entry) to downloading the
design to the FPGA board. On the way, we will pass through some of the
nuances of the Compiler along with setting up and controlling a simulation.
Later, after having actually tested the design, we will examine the Timing
Analysis information of the design. Although relatively short, each step is
carefully illustrated and explained. Install the Altera Quartus II software on
your PC using the topic's DVD, if it is not already installed.
Figure 1.8 Creating a new Quartus II Project.
New Project Creation
Start the Quartus II program. In Quartus II, the New Project wizard is used to
create a new project. Choose File New Project Wizard. Click next in the
Introduction window, if it appears to continue. A second dialog box will appear
asking for the working directory for your new project. Enter an appropriate
directory. For the project name and top-level design entity boxes, enter orgate .
Click Next . If you need to create a new project directory with that name, click
Ye s . An Add Files dialog box then appears. This page is used to enter all of the
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