Digital Signal Processing Reference
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about the train speeds. A train hitting a sensor can be stopped before entering the switch
Once B has passed Sensor 3 twice, Train A moves to the outside track and continues
around counterclockwise until it picks up where it left off at the starting position as
shown in Figure 8.15. Train B is to move as designated only stopping at a sensor to avoid
collisions with A. Train B will then continue as soon as there is no potential collision and
continue as designated. Trains A and B should run continuously, stopping only to avoid a
potential collision.
Track 1
Switch 3
Track 3
Sensor 5
Sensor 1
Sensor 2
Sensor 3
Sensor 4
Track 4
Track 2
Switch 1
Switch 2
Figure 8.14 Initial Positions of Trains at State Machine Reset with Initial Paths Designated.
Track 1
Switch 3
Track 3
Sensor 2
Sensor 3
Sensor 4
Sensor 5
Sensor 1
Track 4
Switch 1
Switch 2
Track 2
Figure 8.15 Return Path of Train A.
3. Use the single pulse FPGAcore functions on each raw sensor input to produce state
machine sensor inputs that go High for only one clock cycle per passage of a train.
Rework the state machine design with this assumption and repeat problem 1 or 2.
4. Develop another pattern of train movement and design a state machine to implement it.
5. Implement a real train setup using DCC model trains. Debug your control module using
the video simulation module first, to avoid any real train crashes that may damage the
trains. Typically laboratory space is limited, so keep in mind that the smaller gauge
model trains will require less space for the track layout.
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