Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
// This code describes how the state machine operates
// This section will need changes for a different state machine
// State assignments are needed in Verilog
parameter ABout = 0, Ain = 1, Bin = 2, Astop = 3, Bstop = 4;
// This section describes how the state machine behaves
// this process runs once every time reset or the clock changes
always @( posedge clock or posedge reset)
// Reset to this state (i.e. asynchronous reset)
if (reset)
state = ABout;
// posedge clock means positive clock edge
//This section will execute once on each positive clock edge
//Signal assignments in this section will generate D flip-flops
case (state)
// Case statement to determine next state
A B o u t :
// This Case checks both sensor1 and sensor2 bits
case (sensor12)
2'b 00: state = ABout;
2'b 01: state = Bin;
2'b 10: state = Ain;
2'b 11: state = Ain;
// Default case is needed here
default : state = ABout;
A i n :
case (sensor24)
2'b 00: state = Ain;
2'b 01: state = ABout;
2'b 10: state = Bstop;
2'b 11: state = ABout;
default : state = ABout;
B i n :
case (sensor13)
2'b 00: state = Bin;
2'b 01: state = ABout;
2'b 10: state = Astop;
2'b 11: state = ABout;
default : state = ABout;
A s t o p :
if (sensor3)
s t a t e = A i n ;
s t a t e = A s t o p ;
if (sensor4)
s t a t e = B i n ;
s t a t e = B s t o p ;
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