Java Reference
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be wild. In other words, we can define the value 2 to be equal to all the other values in the
Die class. In this case,
will be considered a Yahtzee.
Let us compare the old and the new versions of the rollDice method. The old version
is shown below.
public static void rollDice( int [ ] diceToChange)
for ( int i : diceToChange) {
dice [ i 1] = getRandomDieValue () ;
The expression dice[i-1] = getRandomDieValue() is replaced with dice[i-1].rollDie() .
The new expression sends the dice[i-1] object as a hidden parameter to the rollDie
method of the Die class, which changes the value of the die.
The new version of the Yahtzee class is shown next.
public class Yahtzee
public static final
public static void main(String [] args) {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System. in) ;
DiceCup dc = new DiceCup () ;
System. out . println (dc) ;
for ( int i=0;i < NUMBER REROLLS ;
i ++)
if (dc.isYahtzee())
break ;
System. out . print ( "Which dice do you want to reroll: " );
dc. rollDice(convert(keyboard.nextLine()));
System. out . println (dc) ;
if (dc.isYahtzee()) {
System. out . println ( "You got Yahtzee!" );
else {
System. out . println ( "Sorry, better luck next time!" );
static int [] convert(String s)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s) ;
int [] a = new i n t [ st . countTokens () ] ;
int i=0;
while ( st . hasMoreTokens () ) {
a[ i++] = Integer . parseInt(st .nextToken()) ;
return a;
The diceToString method is gone because the to-string conversion now happens in the
toString method of the DiceCup class. This is a better design because the DiceCup class
should be responsible for converting an object of type DiceCup to a string.
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