Java Reference
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dice = new Die [ numberOfDice ] ;
for ( int i=0;i < numberOfDice ;
i++) {
dice[i] = new Die () ;
public DiceCup( int numberOfDice , int numberOfSides) {
this . numberOfDice = numberOfDice ;
dice = new Die [ numberOfDice ] ;
for ( int i=0;i < numberOfDice ; i++) {
dice[i] = new Die(numberOfSides) ;
public String toString()
String result = "Your dice are: " ;
for (Die d: dice)
result += d+ "" ;
return result ;
public boolean isYahtzee() {
for (Die d: dice) {
if (! d.equals(dice [0])) {
return false ;
return true ;
public void rollDice( int [ ] diceToChange) {
for ( int i : diceToChange) {
dice [ i 1].rollDie() ;
We have created two constructors for the class. The first constructor uses the default
number of dice and the default number of sides for every die. The second constructor uses
the values of the input parameters to set these values. Note that the memory for the array
of dice is allocated inside the constructors. The reason is that initially we do not know the
size of the array.
When an array of objects is created, the new keyword needs to be used multiple
times. It needs to be used once to create the array and then once for every object of
the array.
The toString , isYahtzee ,and rollDice methods from the previous chapter are now
instance (i.e., non-static). This allows us to create multiple objects of type DiceCup ,where
every dice cup can have different dice inside.
The isYahtzee method now uses the equals method of the Die class to determine if
two dice are equal. This is a very powerful approach. For example, we can define deuces to
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