Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
6. It gave them their first chance to create computer art.
7. When computers became popular for desktop publishing
8. Military simulators
9. 2D and 3D
10. Drawing programs use vector graphics, whereas painting programs use
raster graphics.
11. It lets the artist use a stylus like a pen.
12. A polygon
13. Apply a texture to the geometry
14. Ambient light
15. Specularity
Discussion Questions
1. Is the understanding of the origin of computer art important to the
modern game artist?
2. Are 3D games more fun than 2D games? Why or why not?
3. What advantages do 3D games have over 2D games?
4. What makes 3D games so complex?
5. Why should an artist understand the complexities of 3D games?
1. Create a chart showing the evolution of computer games from their
beginning until now.
2. Calculate how many polygons could be used on a game system that can
display 100,000 textured polygons per second.
3. Develop a production plan for your favorite 3D game system showing how
many polygons you plan to use for the characters and environments.
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