Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7.64 Assign the breasts to the upper link.
There you have it; the model is finished and ready for animation. Most character
models for games in 3ds Max are animated using Biped, but there are some limi-
tations that you, as a game artist, need to be aware of.
Some game engines do not support Biped. You need to check to see whether
the game technology you will be using for your game supports importing
Biped models and animation.
Some game engines have restrictions for the number of bones used in a
character. If you have a bone limitation, you might need to limit the num-
ber of links you use in Biped because game engines treat Biped links as
bones. You can't delete Biped links, but you can hide them.
Although Biped works well for most two-legged game characters, it might
not have the sophistication you need for a very complex character.
There are times when the Biped system just will not work for a game. In those
instances, your best bet is to create your own skeleton assembly using 3ds Max's
Bones system.
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