Java Reference
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If tempElement is not null then an element already exists so we modify the existing element to
incorporate the latest cursor position by calling a method modify() for the element object. We will
need to add an implementation of this method for each element type. Finally we draw the latest version
of the element referenced by tempElement . Since we expect to call the modify() method for an
element polymorphically, we should add it to the base class, Element . It will be abstract in the
Element class so add the following declaration to the class definition:
public abstract void modify(Point start, Point last);
Since we reference the Point class here we need an import statement for it in the file:
import java.awt.Point;
We can implement createElement() as a private member of the MouseHandler class, since it's
not needed anywhere else. The parameters for the method are just two points that will be used to define
each element. Here's the code:
private Element createElement(Point start, Point end) {
switch(theApp.getWindow().getElementType()) {
case LINE:
return new Element.Line(start, end,
return new Element.Rectangle(start, end,
case CIRCLE:
return new Element.Circle(start, end,
case CURVE:
return new Element.Curve(start, end,
assert false; // We should never get to here
return null;
Since we refer to the constants identifying element types here, we must make the SketchView class
implement the Constants interface, so modify the class to do that now. The first line of the
definition will be:
class SketchView extends JComponent
implements Observer, Constants
The createElement() method returns a reference to a shape as type Element . We determine the
type of shape to create by retrieving the element type ID stored in the SketchFrame class by the menu
item listeners that we put together in the previous chapter. The getElementType() method isn't there
in the SketchFrame class yet, but you can add it now as:
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