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opt thresh
Optimization thresholds for speeding up computation:
Don't send activation when act <= send.
Don't learn on recv unit weights when both phase acts <= learn.
Whether to apply learn threshold to updating weights (otherwise always update).
.updt wts
Don't learn when +/- phase difference ratio (- / +) < phase dif. This is off (0) by
default, but can be useful if network is failing to activate output (e.g., in a deep
network) on minus phase of some trials — learning in this case is just massive
increase in all weights, and tends to produce “hog” units for all the active units.
To use, set to .8 as a good initial value.
.phase dif
0, .95
Range of clamped (external) activation values ( min, max ) — Don't clamp to 1
because NOISY XX1 activations can't reach that value, so use .95 as max.
clamp range
0, 1
Membrane potential range ( min, max ), 0-1 for normalized, -90-50 for bio-based.
vm range
Random distribution for initializing the membrane potential (constant by default):
v m init
Select type of random distribution to use (e.g., UNIFORM (default), NORMAL
Mean of the random distribution, .15 is default resting potential (a.k.a. v rest
or V rest ).
Variance of the distribution (range for UNIFORM), no var by default.
2nd parameter for distributions like BINOMIAL and GAMMA that require it (not
typically used).
Time constants for integrating values over time:
Membrane potential v m time constant: dtvm in equation 2.8: Vm ( t +1) =
net ￿ .
Net input net time constant: dt net in equation 2.16: g e (t)=(1￿ dt net )g e (t ￿
( t )+ dt
Maximal conductances for channels:
g bar
Excitatory (glutamatergic synaptic sodium (Na) channel).
Constant leak (potassium, K+) channel.
Inhibitory GABA-ergic channel (computed by kWTA or directly).
Hysteresis (excitation) voltage-gated channel (Ca++).
Accommodation (fatigue, inhibition) voltage-gated channel (K+).
Reversal potentials for each channel (see above, defaults: 1, .15, .15, 1, 0).
e rev
Hysteresis (excitation) voltage-gated channel specs, see accommodation ( acc )
for details, defaults are: false, .05, .8, .7, .1 and true).
Accommodation (fatigue, inhibition) voltage-gated channel:
Activate use of channel if true.
Time constant for integrating basis variable, dt b a in equation 2.41: b a (t)=b a (t￿
.b dt
Activation threshold for basis variable, when exceeded opens the channel, ￿ a in
equation 2.39.
.a thr
1) + dt
( y
( t ) ￿ b
( t ￿ 1))
Deactivation threshold for basis variable, when less than closes channel (after
having been opened), ￿ d in equation 2.39.
.d thr
Time constant for changing conductance when activating or deactivating, dt g a in
equation 2.39.
.g dt
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