Cryptography Reference
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Use the Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) to Decrypt. 1
e 1
Let d p
(mod p
1) and
e 1
d q
1). These are called the CRT private exponents . Given a cipher-
text c one computes m p =
(mod q
c d q (mod q ). The message m is then
computed using the Chinese remainder theorem (it is convenient to use the method of
Exercise 2.6.3 for the CRT).
c d p (mod p ) and m q =
then sk
( p,q,d p ,d q ).
c log( N ) M (log( N )) the cost of a single exponentiation modulo N to a power
N then the cost using the Chinese remainder theorem is approximately
2 c (log( N ) / 2) M (log( N ) / 2) (this is assuming the cost of the Chinese remaindering is
negligible). When using Karatsuba multiplication this speeds up RSA decryption by a
factor of approximately 3 (in other words, the new running time is a third of the old
running time).
24.1.2 Variants of RSA
There has been significant effort devoted to finding more efficient variants of the RSA
cryptosystem. We briefly mention some of these now.
Example 24.1.3 ( Multiprime-RSA 2 )Let p 1 ,...,p k be primes of approximately κ/k bits
and let N
p k . One can use N as a public modulus for the RSA cryptosystem.
Using the Chinese remainder theorem for decryption has cost roughly the same as k
exponentiations to powers of bit-length κ/k and modulo primes of bit-length κ/k . Hence,
the speedup is roughly by a factor k/k 2 . 58
p 1 ···
1 /k 1 . 58 .
To put this in context, going from a single exponentiation to using the Chinese remainder
theorem in the case of 2 primes gave a speedup by a factor of 3. Using 3 primes gives an
overall speedup by a factor of roughly 5 . 7, which is a further speedup of a factor 1 . 9 over the
2-prime case. Using 4 primes gives an overall speedup of about 8 . 9, which is an additional
speedup over 3 primes by a factor 1 . 6.
However, there is a limit to how large k can be, as the complexity of the elliptic curve
factoring method mainly depends on the size of the smallest factor of N .
Exercise 24.1.4 (Tunable balancing of RSA) An alternative approach is to construct the
public key ( N
pq,e ) so that the Chinese remainder decryption exponents are relatively
short. The security of this system will be discussed in Section 24.5.2 .
Let κ,n e ,n d be the desired bit-lengths of N,e and d (mod p
1) ,d (mod q
Assume that n e +
n d >κ/ 2. Give an algorithm to generate primes p and q of bit-length
κ/ 2, integers d p and d q of bit-length n d and an integer e of bit-length n e such that
ed p
1(mod p
1) and ed q
1(mod q
p r q .For
The fastest variant of RSA is due to Takagi and uses moduli of the form N
some discussion about factoring such integers see Section 19.4.3 .
This idea is often credited to Quisquater and Couvreur [ 443 ] but it also appears in Rabin [ 444 ].
This idea was proposed (and patented) by Collins, Hopkins, Langford and Sabin.
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