Cryptography Reference
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KeyGen ( κ ): (Assume κ even.) Generate two distinct primes p and q uniformly at random in
the range 2 κ/ 2 1 <p,q< 2 κ/ 2 .Set N
pq so that 2 κ 2 <N< 2 κ is represented by κ bits
(see Exercise 24.1.1 to ensure that N has leading bit 1).
Choose a random κ -bit integer e coprime to ( p 1) and ( q 1) (or choose
e = 2 16
+ 1 = 65537 and insist p,q 1 (mod e )). Define d = e 1 (mod λ ( N )) where
λ ( N ) = lcm( p 1 ,q 1) is the Carmichael lambda function . Output the public key
= ( N,e ) and the private key sk = ( N,d ).
R enam ing p and q , if necessary, we may assume that p<q .Then p<q< 2 p and so
N/ 2 <p< N .
In textbooks, the message space and ciphertext space are usually taken to be
C κ =
M κ = ( Z /N Z ) , but it fits Definition 1.3.1 better (and is good training) to define them to
be C κ ={ 0 , 1 }
κ and M κ ={ 0 , 1 }
κ 2
κ 1 .
or { 0 , 1 }
Encrypt ( m , ( N,e )): Assume that m M κ .
m e (mod N ) (see later for padding schemes).
Return the ciphertext c .
Compute c
c d (mod N ) and output either m ,or if m
Decrypt ( c , ( N,d )): Compute m
M κ .
Sign ( m , ( N,d )): Compute s = m d (mod N ).
Verify ( m , s , ( N,e )): Check whether m s e (mod N ).
Box 24.1 Textbook RSA public key encryption and signature schemes
24.1.1 Efficient implementation of RSA
As we have seen in Section 12.2 , κ/ 2-bit probable primes can be found in expected time
of O ( κ 5 ) bit operations (or O ( κ 4 + o (1) ) using fast arithmetic). One can make this provable
using the AKS method, with asymptotic complexity O ( κ 5 + o (1) ) bit operations using fast
arithmetic. In any case, RSA key generation is polynomial-time. A more serious challenge
is to ensure that encryption and decryption (equivalently, signing and verification) are as
fast as possible.
Encryption and decryption are exponentiation modulo N and thus require
O (log( N ) M (log( N ))) bit operations, which is polynomial-time. For current RSA key
sizes, Karatsuba multiplication is most appropriate; hence, one should assume that
M (log( N ))
log( N ) 1 . 58 . Many of the techniques mentioned in earlier chapters to speed
up exponentiation can be used in RSA, particularly sliding window methods. Since e and d
are fixed, one can also precompute addition chains to minimise the cost of exponentiation.
In practice, the following two improvements are almost always used.
Small public exponents e (also called low-exponent RSA ). Traditionally, e
2 16
proposed, but these days e
1 is most common. Encryption requires
only 16 modular squarings and a modular multiplication.
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