Cryptography Reference
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game continues with the adversary able to query the decryption oracle with any ciphertext
c . Finally, the adversary outputs a guess for whether K is the key corresponding
to c , or a random key (this is the same as the “real or random” security notion for key
exchange in Section 20.5 ). Denote by Pr( A ) the success probability of A in this game and
define the advantage Adv( A )
. The KEM is IND-CCA secure if every
polynomial-time adversary has negligible advantage.
Pr( A )
1 / 2
Theorem 5 of Section 7.3 of [ 149 ] shows that, if a KEM satisfies IND-CCA security and
if a DEM satisfies an analogous security property, then the corresponding hybrid encryption
scheme has IND-CCA security. Due to lack of space we do not present the details.
23.1.2 Proof of security in the random oracle model
We now sketch a proof that the Elgamal KEM of Box 23.2 has IND-CCA security. The
proof is in the random oracle model. The result requires a strong assumption (namely, the
strong-Diffie-Hellman or gap-Diffie-Hellman assumption). Do not be misled by the use
of the word “strong”! This computational problem is not harder than the Diffie-Hellman
problem. Instead, the assumption that this problem is hard is a stronger (i.e., less likely to
be true) assumption than the assumption that the Diffie-Hellman problem is hard.
Definition 23.1.3 Let G be a group of prime order r .The strong Diffie-Hellman problem
( strong-DH )is:given g,g a ,g b
a,b<r ), together with a decision static
Diffie-Hellman oracle ( DStatic-DH oracle ) A g,g a ( h 1 ,h 2 ) (i.e., A g,g a ( h 1 ,h 2 )
G (where 1
1 if and
h 1 ), to compute g ab .
only if h 2 =
An instance generator for strong-DH takes as input a security parameter κ , outputs a
group G and an element g of prime order r (with r> 2 2 κ ) and elements g a ,g b
G where
a,b<r are chosen uniformly at random. As usual, we say that strong-DH is hard
for the instance generator if all polynomial-time algorithms to solve the problem have
negligible success probability. The strong Diffie-Hellman assumption is that there is an
instance generator for which the Strong-DH problem is hard.
It may seem artificial to include access to a decision oracle as part of the assumption.
Indeed, it is a significant drawback of the encryption scheme that such an assumption is
needed for the security. Nevertheless, the problem is well-defined and seems to be hard in
groups for which the DLP is hard. A related problem is the gap Diffie-Hellman problem :
again the goal is to compute g ab given ( g,g a ,g b ), but this time one is given a full DDH
oracle. In some situations (for example, when using supersingular elliptic or hyperelliptic
curves) one can use pairings to provide a DDH oracle and the artificial nature of the
assumption disappears. The proof of Theorem 23.1.4 does not require a full DDH oracle
and so it is traditional to only make the strong-DH assumption.
Theorem 23.1.4 The Elgamal KEM of Box 23.2 , with the key derivation function replaced
by a random oracle, is IND-CCA secure if the strong Diffie-Hellman problem is hard.
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