Cryptography Reference
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23.1.1 The KEM/DEM paradigm
Shoup introduced a formalism for public key encryption that has proved to be useful. The
idea is to separate the “public key” part of the system (i.e., the value c 1 in Box 23.1 )fromthe
“symmetric” part (i.e., ( c 2 , c 3 )inBox 23.1 ). A key encapsulation mechanism (or KEM )
outputs a public key encryption of a random symmetric key (this functionality is very
similar to key transport ; the difference being that a KEM generates a fresh random key
as part of the algorithm). A data encapsulation mechanism (or DEM ) is the symmetric
part. The name hybrid encryption is used to describe an encryption scheme obtained by
combining a KEM with a DEM.
More formally, a KEM is a triple of three algorithms (KeyGen, Encrypt and Decrypt) 1
that depend on a security parameter κ . Instead of a message space, there is space
K κ
of possible keys to be encapsulated. The randomised algorithm Encrypt takes as input
a public key and outputs a ciphertext c and a symmetric key K
K κ (where κ is the
security parameter). One says that c encapsulates K . The Decrypt algorithm for a KEM
takes as input a ciphertext c and the private key and outputs a symmetric key K (or
if the decryption fails). The Encrypt algorithm for a DEM takes as input a message and
a symmetric key K and outputs a ciphertext. The Decrypt algorithm of a DEM takes a
ciphertext and a symmetric key K and outputs either
or a message.
The simplest way to obtain a KEM from Elgamal is given in Box 23.2 .TheDEM
corresponding to the hybrid encryption scheme in Section 23.1 takes as input m and K ,
parses K as K 1
K 2 , computes c 2 =
Enc K 1 ( m ) and c 3 =
MAC K 2 ( c 2 ) and outputs ( c 2 , c 3 ).
KeyGen ( κ ): This is the same as standard Elgamal; see Box 23.1 .
= g k and K =
kdf ( h k ). Return the ciphertext
Encrypt (h): Choose random 0 k<r and set c
c and the key K .
Decrypt ( c ,a ): Return if c g . Otherwise return kdf ( c a ).
Box 23.2 Elgamal KEM
Shoup has defined an analogue of IND-CCA security for a KEM. We refer to Section
7 of Cramer and Shoup [ 149 ] for precise definitions for KEMs, DEMs and their security
properties, but give an informal statement now.
Definition 23.1.2 An IND-CCA adversary for a KEM is an algorithm A that plays the
following game: the input to A is a public key. The algorithm A can also query a decryption
oracle that will provide decryptions of any ciphertext of its choosing. At some point the
adversary requests a challenge, which is a KEM ciphertext c together with a key K K κ .
The challenger chooses K to be either the key corresponding to the ciphertext c or
an independently chosen random element of
K κ (both cases with probability 1 / 2). The
Sometimes the names Encap and Decap are used instead of Encrypt and Decrypt.
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