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7.2 Weierstrass equations
Definition 7.2.1 Let a 1 ,a 2 ,a 3 ,a 4 ,a 6 ∈ k
.A Weierstrass equation is a projective algebraic
set E over
given by
y 2 z
a 3 yz 2
x 3
a 2 x 2 z
a 4 xz 2
a 6 z 3 .
a 1 xyz
The affine Weierstrass equation is
y 2
x 3
a 2 x 2
a 1 xy
a 3 y
a 4 x
a 6 .
Exercise 7.2.2 Let E be a Weierstrass equation as in Definition 7.2.1 .Let ι ( x : y : z )
( x :
a 1 x
a 3 z : z ). Show that if P
E (
) then ι ( P )
E (
) and that ι is an isomorphism
from E to itself.
y 2
Lemma 7.2.3 Let H ( x ) ,F ( x )
∈ k
[ x ] , deg( F )
3 , deg( H )
1 . Then E ( x,y )
H ( x ) y
F ( x ) is irreducible over
Theorem 5.3.8 therefore implies that a Weierstrass equation describes a projective vari-
ety. By Exercise 5.6.5 the variety has dimension 1. Not every Weierstrass equation gives
a curve, since some of them are singular. We now give conditions for when a Weierstrass
equation is non-singular.
Exercise 7.2.4 Show that a Weierstrass equation has a unique point with z
0. Show that
this point is not a singular point.
Definition 7.2.5 Let E be a Weierstrass equation over
. The point (0 : 1 : 0)
E (
denoted by
O E and is called the point at infinity .
Exercise 7.2.6 Show that if char(
2 , 3 then every Weierstrass equation over
isomorphic over
to a Weierstrass equation
y 2 z
x 3
a 4 xz 2
a 6 z 3
for some a 4 ,a 6 ∈ k
. This is called the short Weierstrass form . Show that this equation is
non-singular if and only if the discriminant 4 a 4 +
27 a 6 =
Exercise 7.2.7 Show that if char(
2 then every Weierstrass equation over
is isomor-
phic over
to a Weierstrass equation
y 2 z
x 3
a 2 x 2 z
a 6 z 3
or y 2 z
yz 2
x 3
a 4 xz 2
a 6 z 3 .
The former is non-singular if a 6 =
0 and the latter is non-singular for all a 4 ,a 6 ∈ k
Formulae to determine whether a general Weierstrass equation is singular are given in
Section III.1 of [ 505 ].
Definition 7.2.8 An elliptic curve is a curve given by a non-singular Weierstrass equation.
The following easy result is useful for explicit calculations.
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