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Lemma 7.2.9 Let E be an elliptic curve over
( E ) restricts
to a function on the affine Weierstrass equation of E that is equivalent to a function of the
. Then every function f
∈ k
a ( x )
b ( x ) y
c ( x )
where a ( x ) ,b ( x ) ,c ( x )
∈ k
[ x ] . Conversely, every such function on the affine curve corre-
sponds to a unique 2
function on the projective curve.
7.3 Uniformisers on curves
Let C be a curve over
( C ). It is necessary to formalise the notion
of multiplicity of a zero or pole of a function at a point. The basic definition will be
that f
with function field
m m + 1
P, k
m P, k
. However, there are
a number of technicalities to be dealt with before we can be sure this definition makes
sense. We introduce uniformisers in this section as a step towards the rigorous treatment of
multiplicity of functions.
First we recall the definition of non-singular from Definition 7.1.10 :let C be a non-
singular curve over
O P, k
( C ) has multiplicity m at P if f
and f
), then the quotient m P, k ( C ) / m P, k ( C ) 2
and P
C (
(which is a
-vector space by Lemma 7.1.6 ) has dimension one as a
-vector space.
Lemma 7.3.1 Let C be a non-singular curve over a field
and let P
C (
) . Then the
ideal m P, k ( C ) is principal as an
O P, k ( C ) -ideal.
Proof This result needs Nakayama's Lemma. We refer to Section I.6 of Hartshorne [ 252 ]
for the details; also see Proposition II.1.1 of Silverman [ 505 ] for references.
Definition 7.3.2 Let C be a non-singular curve over
and P
C (
). A uniformiser (or
uniformising parameter )at P is an element t P O P, k
( C ) such that m P, k
( C )
( t P )asan
O P, k
( C )-ideal.
( C ) 2 ; in other words, the uni-
One can choose t P to be any element of m P, k
( C )
m P, k
m P, k ( C ) 2 ,
formiser is not unique. If P is defined over
then one can take t P m P, k ( C )
i.e. take the uniformiser to be defined over
; this is typically what one does in
For our presentation it is necessary to know uniformisers on
and on a Weierstrass
equation. The next two examples determine such uniformisers.
= P
1 . For a point ( a :1)
U 1 ⊆ P
Example 7.3.3 Let C
one can work instead with the
ϕ 1
point a on the affine curve
( U 1 ). One has m a =
( x
a ) and so t a =
( x
a )is
By unique we mean that there is only one function on the projective curve corresponding to a given function on the affine curve.
The actual polynomials a ( x ) ,b ( x )and c ( x ) are, of course, not unique.
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