Biomedical Engineering Reference
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2.4.2 Second Order Features
The second order features are the curvatures as formulated in Sect. 2.1 .We
computed the normal curvature along the principal direction of knee motion
(flexion/extension). We computed the normal curvature along the principal direc-
tion of motion because we would like to compute whether the knee is locally
congruent along principal knee motion direction. Since the principal knee motion
is flexi on /extension, we therefore approximated the local principal direction of
motion v as the cross product of sagittal axis (given as [1 0 0], the other axes are
coronal and axial directions as defined in the scan) wit h the local normal vector. The
normal curvature at t on TibProx in the direction v is comput e d by using ( 1 ).
Similarly, the normal curvature at f on FemProx in the direction v is computed by
using ( 2 ). We elaborated the computation of these normal curvatures below.
The Hessian H T at t on the TibProx and the Hessian H F at f (the corresponding
voxel location) on the FemProx are constructed by using second order partial
derivatives of
f t and
f f respectively.
f txx
f txy
f txz
H T ¼
f txy
f tyy
f tyz
f txz
f tyz
f tzz
f fxx
f fxy
f fxz
f fxy
f fyy
f fyz
H F ¼
f fxz
f fyz
f fzz
Since, we are interested in surface principal normal curvatures, the orthonormal
basis for H T and H F were say b t and b f . The transformed/projected hessian matrices
on to a plane perpendicular to the normal become, H Txy ¼ b t T * H T * b t and H Fxy ¼
b f T * H F * b f . The eigen values of H Txy that are divided with gradient magnitude ( jf t j )
are the pri nci pal c urv atures k t 1 and k t 2 , corresponding eigen vectors are the principal
directions p t and p t .
Using ( 1 ), the normal curvature at on th e TibProx in the direction of v becomes,
k t ¼ k t 1 cos 2
+ k t 2 sin 2
cos 1
ðp t .
Similar ly , by ( 2 ) the normal curvature at f on th e Fe mProx in the direction of v is
given by k f ¼ k f cos 2
, where
b þ k f sin 2
cos 1
ðp f .
2.4.3 Congruity Over Contact Area
We computed the congruity indices locally at every voxel location using ( 3 ) over
CA from TibProx to FemProx and vice versa and then mean value is reported as the
overall CI. Let TibProx has N 1 voxels and FemProx has N 2 voxels. The overall CI in
the contact region mathematically is given by
P N 1
1 CI p
N 1
P N 2
1 CI q
N 2
CI ¼
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