Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 3.7 Global and local structures of the 2-Se U-containing RNA r[5 0 -GUAUA( 2-Se U)AC-3 0 ] 2
with a resolution of 2.3 A. ( a ) The overall structure of duplex. ( b ) The superimpose comparison
of one Se-U-RNA duplex ( red ; PDB ID: 3S49) with its native counterpart [5 0 -r(GUAUAUA)-
dC-3 0 ] 2 ( cyan ; PDB ID: 246D) with an RMSD value of 0.55. The two red balls represent the
selenium atoms. ( c ) The experimental electron density of 2-Se U6/A11 base pair with
( d ) The superimpose comparison of the local base pair 2-Se U6/A11 ( red )andthenative 2-Se U6/A11
( cyan ). The numbers indicate the distance between the corresponding atoms (Color figure online)
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can be converted to phosphoramidite and incorporated into oligonucleotides by
solid-phase synthesis under ultra-mild condition. The crystal structure (Fig. 3.8 )
of the 6-Se-dG-containing DNA and RNA duplex suggests the modified base-pair
shift by 0.3 A, while the modified 6-Se G/C pairing is maintained. This observation
is consistent with the UV-melting experimental data, since the base-pair shift leads
to reduced stacking, thus decreasing the duplex stability. Moreover, the 6-Se-dG
modification in DNA also creates a characteristic UV absorption at 360 nm, which
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