Biomedical Engineering Reference
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experimentally (Arnold, 2001 ; Bornscheur and Pohl, 2001 ; Dalby, 2007 ). In both approaches,
gene encoding of the enzymes of interest, a suitable expression system and a sensitive
detection system are prerequisites. More and more successful demonstrations indicate that
laboratory evolution methods are efficient to improve properties of enzymes within a
reasonable timescale (Arnold, 2001 ).
Another challenge for industrial application of enzymes is cost efficiency. New fermentation
technologies, such as solid-substrate fermentation, genetically modified microorganism,
and improved protein refolding techniques, are being developed to improve the cost effi-
ciency of enzymes (Van Beilen and Li, 2002). Enzymes are usually applied in immobilized
form to facilitate reusability and recovery. A successful immobilization method depends
largely on the property of enzyme and typical operation conditions to find or design a
suitable carrier (Sharma et al ., 2001). In addition, development of the reaction system,
including formulation of suitable reaction media and optimization of process parameters,
plays a significant role in increasing reaction rate and shifting the reaction equilibrium
towards desired products and also helps in ensuring cost efficiency of enzymes.
Adamczak M , Bornscheuer UT , Wlodzimierz B . 2009 . The application of biotechnological methods for the
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Angkawidjaja C , Kanaya S . 2006 . Family I.3 lipase: bacteria lipases secreted by the type I secretion system .
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Antczak MS , Kubiak A , Antczak T , Bielicki S . 2009 . Enzymatic biodiesel synthesis - key factors affecting
efficiency of the process . Renew Energ 34 : 1185 - 1194 .
Anthonsen T , D'Arrigo P , Pedrocchi-Fantoni G , Secundo F , Servi S , Sundby E . 1999 . Phospholipids hydrol-
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Babicz I , Leite SGF , de Souza ROMA , Antunes OAC . 2010 . Lipase-catalyzed diacylglycerol production
under sonochemical irradiation. Ultrason Sonochem 17 : 4 - 6 .
Balsano C , Alisi A . 2009 . Antioxidant effects of natural bioactive compounds . Curr Pharm Des 15 : 3063 - 3073 .
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by Candida antarctica lipase in a solvent-free medium . J Biocat Biotransf 20 : 437 - 439 . 16
Bornscheur UT , Pohl M . 2001 . Improved biocatalysts by directed evolution and rational protein design . Curr
Opin Biotechnol 5 : 137 - 143 .
Bruzik KS , Guan ZW , Riddle S , Tsai MD . 1996 . Synthesis of inositol phosphodiesters by phospholipase
C-catalyzed transesterification. J Am Chem Soc 118 : 7679 - 7688 .
Brzozowski AM , Savage H , Verma CS , et al . 2000. Structural origins of the interfacial activation in
Thermomyces (Humicola) lanuginosa lipase. Biochemistry 39 : 15071 - 15082 .
Chebil L , Humeau C , Falcimaigne A , Engasser JM , Ghoul M . 2006 . Enzymatic acylation of flavonoids.
Process Biochem 41 : 2237 - 2251 .
Cheirsilp B , H-Kittikun A , Limkatanyu S . 2008 . Impact of transesterification mechanisms on the kinetic
modeling of biodiesel production by immobilized lipase. Biochem Eng J 42 : 261 - 269 .
Cheong LZ , Lai OM . 2009 . Diacylglycerol oil: Healthful or hype? International news on fats, oils and
related materials: Inform 20 : 391 - 393 .
Cheong LZ , Ariffin N , Tan CP , et al . 2007. Production of a diacylglycerol enriched palm olein using lipase-
catalyzed partial hydrolysis: optimization using response surface methodology. Food Chem 105:
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Chigorimbo-Murefu NTL , Riva S , Burton SG . 2009 . Lipase-catalysed synthesis of esters of ferulic acid with
natural compounds and evaluation of their antioxidant properties. J Mol Catal B: Enzym 56:277-282.
Cornish-Bowden A. 2004 . Fundamentals of enzyme kinetics. 3 rd edn . London : Portland Press .
Dalby PA . 2007 . Engineering enzymes for biocatalysis . Recent Pat Biotechnol 1 : 1 - 9 .
Damstrup ML , Jensen T , Sparsø FV , Kiil SZ , Jensen AD , Xu X . 2005 . Solvent optimization for efficient
enzymatic monoacylglycerol production based on a glycerolysis reaction. J Am Oil Chem Soc 82:
559 - 564 .
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