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Fig. 7 Specifi c labeling of GFAP upregulation in the rat neural retina at a laser-induced lesion site
imaged using standard FITC ICC. ( a , b ) Wide-fi eld nonconfocal standard ICC using an anti-
GFAP-conjugated primary antibody and FITC fl uorophore-tagged secondary antibody. A nonspe-
cifi c nuclear DAPI stain was used to visualize the other retinal layers. ( c , d ) Confocal imaging of
two different lesions with a 1.6-mm optical slice and an acquisition time of 2 s, comparable with
the data shown in Fig. 2 . ( c ) Shows a slice near the center of a lesion while ( d ) shows a slice closer
to the boundary of a lesion. Note the particularly high background and diffuse labeling in ( d ).
Reproduced from Pathak et al. ( 2009 )
(slices 4-6), followed by a progressive visible decrease in reactivity near the other
side of the lesion boundary (progressively from slice 7 to 9). Therefore, this labeling
method should be amenable to quantitatively measuring the extent and thickness of
glial scars and presumably other neuronal- and glial-specifi c markers in neural tissue
preparations at high spatial resolutions due to the cellular specifi city and low back-
ground of the procedure. Such an approach would conceivably allow better quantita-
tive measurements and statistics of both physiologically normal and, as illustrated
here, pathological cellular processes. This quantum dot-labeling procedure is consid-
erably superior to nonconfocal wide-fi eld epifl uorescence microscopy of retinal sec-
tions for specifi c labeling and imaging of GFAP upregulation in gliosis due to diffuse
labeling and higher nonspecifi c background in the latter (Fig. 7a, b ), as introduced
above. In our hands, the quantum dot-labeling procedure was subjectively less dif-
fuse, more intense, had a noticeably lower nonspecifi c background, and showed more
cellular detail than the best-optimized standard FITC ICC labeling we could achieve
(Fig. 7c, d ). This was especially true near the border of imaged lesions, where GFAP
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