Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 8 Specifi c labeling of GFAP upregulation in the rat neural retina at a laser-induced lesion site
imaged using anti-GFAP quantum dot conjugates. A serial cross section of the retina 10-mm thick
that encompassed one of the induced lesions was imaged at 1-mm thick optical slices using confo-
cal microscopy using a 1.8-s exposure time. Reproduced from Pathak et al. ( 2009 )
upregulation gradually decreased and there was less signal intensity (Fig. 7d ). In
these cases, FITC labeling appeared to display considerably higher nonspecifi c back-
ground, which makes this approach diffi cult for identifying the edges of GFAP
upregulation and gliosis lesion boundaries, resulting in less confi dence in any derived
measurements of lesion volumes and the spread of the reactive glial response.
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