Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 6 Schematic representation of the operation of the electrochemically driven molecular shuttle 8
followed by ring shuttling to the original SA station. The occurrence of these processes
was demonstrated by cyclic voltammetric experiments and confi rmed by fl ash pho-
tolysis. Additionally, these techniques provided information on the dynamics of ring
shuttling. Other kinds of electrochemically driven molecular shuttles have been
reported (Balzani et al. 2000a ; 2003 ; 2001a, b ; Tseng et al. 2004 ) .
Molecular Shuttles Powered by Light Energy
The design and construction of molecular shuttles powered exclusively by light
energy is a fascinating yet challenging subject. Rotaxane 9 6+ (Fig. 7 ) was specifi cally
designed to achieve photoinduced ring shuttling. This compound is made of the elec-
tron donor macrocycle R, an axle component which contains a ruthenium(II) poly-
pyridine complex (P) as one of its stoppers, a p -terphenyl-type rigid spacer (S), a
4,4¢-bipyridinium unit (A 1 ), and a 3,3¢ -dimethyl-4,4 ¢-bipyridinium unit (A 2 ) as elec-
tron accepting stations, and a tetraarylmethane group as the second stopper (T). The
stable translational isomer of rotaxane 9 6+ (state 0) is the one in which the R compo-
nent encircles the A 1 unit, in keeping with the fact that this station is a better electron
acceptor than the other one. The strategy devised in order to obtain the photoinduced
abacus-like movement of the R macrocycle between the two stations A 1 and A 2 ,
illustrated in the bottom part of Fig. 7 , is based on the following four operations.
(a) Destabilization of the stable translational isomer : Light excitation of the photo-
active unit P (process 1) is followed by the transfer of an electron from the
excited state to the A 1 station, which is encircled by the ring R (process 2), with
the consequent “deactivation” of this station; such a photoinduced electron
transfer process has to compete with the intrinsic decay of *P (process 3).
(b) Ring displacement : The ring moves by Brownian motion (process 4) from the
reduced A 1 station to A 2 (state 1), a step that has to compete with the back electron
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