Biomedical Engineering Reference
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FIGURE 7.14 MeOH-initiated birth defects in C57BL/6J and C3H mice.
Pregnant dams were treated i.p. with two doses of 2 g/kg MeOH (20% solution
in saline) or its saline vehicle, with a 4-hour interval on 8. Dams were
euthanized on GD 19 for assessment of fetuses. Each data point represents
one litter, with the mean designated by a horizontal bar. The number in
parentheses represents the number of litters assessed. The symbol
a difference from the respective saline control (p
0.01 for ophthalmic
defects, p
0.05 for cleft palates). Source: From Sweeting et al. (2011).
these differences, emphasizing the difficulty in identifying the most
representative animal model for MeOH developmental toxicity in
humans. Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to varying concentrations of
inhaled MeOH (5000-20,000 ppm for 7 hours/day) exhibited only
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