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The survival probability for a web with N = 10 3 nodes for various K values.
Figure 7.5.
Consequently, the probability density for the length of time the web remains in a given
global state is an inverse power law of the form
ψ(τ) τ 3 / 2 for an extended interval
of sojourn times.
The survival probability corresponding to the above argument is one having the
inverse power-law form
(τ) τ 1 / 2 for any fixed unperturbed value of the coupling
parameter g . In Figure 7.5 we see that as the number of nodes in the web increases
the time over which the survival probability has the predicted inverse power-law form
increases. However, in each case the distribution is eventually truncated by an expo-
nential and the dynamics are determined by solving the Langevin equation ( 7.27 ). This
behavior is predicted by Kramers' theory, the predicted shape being an inverse power
law, followed by a shoulder ending in an exponential.
The Yule process
In our earlier presentation of the BA model we pointed out that the preferential-
attachment mechanism central to their discussion had been identified previously under a
variety of names by a number of investigators, the first of whom was the mathematician
Yule. As a matter of fact the BA model is a limiting case of the more general argument
presented by Yule in 1925 [ 71 ] to explain the hyperbolic relation discovered by Willis
in his experimental investigations of speciation of flowering plants published with Yule
in 1922 [ 70 ]. The Yule process is reviewed by Newman [ 49 ] using a master equation, a
technique that had not been developed at the time of Yule's analysis. Although Yule and
subsequently Newman concluded the argument in terms of new species being added to
a genus or family, we follow Simon [ 58 ] and make the presentation in terms of words
in order to avoid confusion over biological jargon.
Simon presented the stochastic model in terms of word frequency. Consider the writ-
ing of a topic that has reached n words in length; the double-indexed quantity p k , n is
the fraction of different words that have occurred exactly k times in these first n words.
The stochastic process was defined by the following two assumptions.
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