Information Technology Reference
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Face Illusion Vase
There is an old illusion where the silhouette of two faces are shown towards each
other with their noses close together, but if you look at the space between the faces,
the image shifts in your eyes and appears to be of a single ornate vase. With 3D
printing, it is possible to make this illusion a reality. More than just a reality, it is
possible to use a real face to make the illusion.
In the previous chapter, a number of topics including manipulating the view, and
creating and manipulating objects were introduced. Also, the habit of making
frequent saves and using incremental saves were taught, practiced, and enforced.
In this chapter and in all the following chapters, saving will be left to you. It's
generally a good idea to make an incremental save at every major section marked
by a heading, and doing smaller saves as much as possible.
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