Graphics Programs Reference
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FiGuRE 10.17 The front deck and stairs with dimensions
Follow these steps to draw the front deck:
1. Make the A-ELEV-DECK layer current.
2. Draw a horizontal line from the elevation's bottom-right corner of
the wall directly to the right. Make sure the line extends beyond the
limits of the stairway in the floor plan.
3. Start the XLINE (Construction Line) command; choose the Vertical
option; and draw lines from the corner post, the stairs, and the end of
the railing in the floor plan, as shown in Figure 10.18.
4. Zoom into the right end of the cabin elevation. Here you're going to
first offset the horizontal line several times and then trim the result-
ing lines back to the lines that represent the post.
Start the OFFSET command, offset the horizontal line upward 6
(152 mm), and press the Esc key to exit the command.
5. Repeat step 4 five times by offsetting the original line up—7 5 8 (194
mm), 11 5 8 (295 mm), 1 -1 5 8 (346 mm), 4 -1 5 8 (1260 mm), and
4 -3 5 8 (1312 mm), respectively.
The right end of your elevation should look like Figure 10.19.
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