Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Drawing the Roof
You've seen that the Layer drop-down list is a shortcut that allows you to pick a
different layer quickly as the current layer and to turn off or turn on individual
layers. You've also learned how to use the Layer Properties Manager dialog box to
create new layers or to turn off many layers at a time. You'll learn about another
tool for changing the current layer as you draw the rooflines.
Before you start to draw the rooflines, refer to Figure 6.38 and note the lines
representing different parts of the roof:
eaves lines around the perimeter of the building, representing
the lowest edge of the roof
ridgeline , representing the peak of the roof
FiGuRE 6.38 The floor plan with the rooflines
The roof for the cabin is called a double-pitched roof because the panels slope
down to the eaves on only two sides. You'll start by drawing the eaves.
Creating the Eaves
Because the roof extends beyond the exterior walls the same distance on all
sides of the building, you can generate the eaves lines by offsetting the outside
wall lines:
1. Make sure 06A-FPLAY5.dwg is open.
2. Open the Layer drop-down list, and select the A-ROOF layer to make
it current.
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