Graphics Programs Reference
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7. Start the POLYLINE command and draw a polyline from the lower-right
corner of the cabin to a point 8?-0? (2438 mm) to the right.
8. Click the Snap To Perpendicular button in the Object Snap toolbar,
place the cursor over the top-outside horizontal line of the cabin, and
when the Snap marker appears (see Figure 5.16), click to draw the
vertical line of the deck's perimeter.
FiGuRE 5.16 Drawing the vertical line perpendicular to the upper cabin wall
9. Click on the top-right corner of the cabin to complete the perimeter
of the deck; then press to end the POLYLINE command.
Your drawing should look like Figure 5.17.
10. Offset the perimeter 3 (72 mm) to the inside to represent the inside
and outside edges of the handrail, and then terminate the OFFSET
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