Graphics Programs Reference
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TIP When using object snaps to locate points within a drawing, you do
not need to select the osnap icon itself. Notice how the cursor in Figure 5.7 is
located slightly above and to the right of the point autoCaD found using the
perpendicular object snap. regardless of where you select, a perpendicular
line will be drawn to the point highlighted by the perpendicular osnap icon.
admittedly, this method takes some practice to master. Still, learning how to
use osnaps in this way is beneficial because you won't have to pan or zoom
as often, consequently saving you time. as you continue working with object
snaps, give this method a try. remember that if you accidentally select the
wrong point, you can always enter U while inside many commands, such as
the LINE command, to undo a single segment.
11. Press to end the LINE command.
The completed front threshold looks like Figure 5.8.
FiGuRE 5.8 Completing the front threshold
12. Use the ZOOM Extents command to view the completed front thresh-
old with the whole floor plan. Remember, by default double-clicking
the middle button on a wheel mouse performs a ZOOM Extents.
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