Game Development Reference
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NetBeans 8.0 at your disposal, so let's look at how to allow access to the Java SE 8
platform in Windows next.
Unblocking the Java 8 Platform Binary via the Windows
If you get the dreaded Blocked Features network dialog, presented in Figure 2-16 , se-
lect the Allow Java Platform SE binary to communicate on Private networks, such as
my home or work network check box, and then click the Allow access button, which
will allow the Java 8 platform SE binary to communicate through the Windows fire-
Figure 2-16 . Allow Java features to be used by clicking Allow access
After you allow access to the Java 8 platform SE binary , the NetBeans 8.0
profiling tool can (and will) run and will generate basic profiling telemetry results.
You will take a closer look at these in the following sections, which deal how to ana-
lyze profiling results and what they reveal in terms of how your application uses
memory and CPU resources.
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