Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Below you will find conjugations of some of the most commonly used verbs in Spanish.
You can use it as a reference as you read through the topic or on your travels.
Ir- to go
Yo --Voy -- I go
-- Vas -- you go
él, ella, Ud. -- Va -- She, she goes; you (formal) go; it goes
nosotros, nosotras -- Vamos -- we go
vosotras, vosotras -- Vais - you (plural) go
ellos, ellas, Uds. -- Van -- they, you all go
Tener- to have
Yo -- Tengo -- I have
-- Tienes -- you have
él, ella, Ud -- Tiene -- he, she has; you (formal) have; it has
nosotros, nosotras -- Tenemos -- we have
vosotras, vosotras -- Tenéis -- you (plural) have
ellos, ellas, Uds -- Tienen -- they, you all have, '
*In order to say 'to have to' just say 'tener que'
Ex: Tengo que ir = I have to go.
Salir- To leave/go out
Yo -- Salgo -- I leave
-- Sales -- you leave
él, ella, Ud. -- Sale -- he, she leaves; you (formal) leave; it leaves
nosotros, nosotras -- Salimos -- we leave
vosotras, vosotras -- Salís -- you (plural) leave
ellos, ellas, Uds. -- Salen -- they, you all leave
Ser- to be (permanent)
Yo -- Soy -- I am
-- Eres -- you are
él, ella, Ud. -- Es -- he, she is; you (formal) are; it is
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