Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?)
It's one.
Es la una. (You only use 'es la' for times
with 1)
It's two.
Son las dos…
( Son las is used for times 2-12)
It's seven thirty.
Son las siete y media. (Or 'Son las siete y
It's fifteen 'til ten.
Son las diez menos quince.
It's a quarter 'til five.
Son las cinco menos cuarto.
It's five 'til three.
Son las tres menos cinco. (You switch the
numbers, 'five 'til three' turns into 'three
minus five')
a.m. (in the morning)
de la mañana
p.m. (in the afternoon)
de la tarde
p.m. (at night)
de la noche
¡Ojo! If you need to add minutes to your time, just add the word ' y'
For example:
It is 3:10 = Son las tres y diez
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