Civil Engineering Reference
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oder Verkehrsdaten. Planer könnten sofort sehen, wie bspw. Anfahrten an die Baustelle
verkehrsgünstig zu bestimmen sind. Weiterhin ist die Integration von Fotos aus der Bau-
stellendokumentation denkbar. Dies ermöglicht einerseits das schnelle Auffinden der Bil-
der durch den lokalen Kontext und andererseits wird durch die visuellen Eindrücke das
Verständnis der ansonsten sehr abstrakten Baustellendarstellung verbessert.
1. Fuchs S, Kadolsky M, Scherer RJ (2011) Formal description of a generic multi-model. In: Proc
of 20th IEEE international workshops on enabling technologies: infrastructure for collaborative
enterprises (WETICE '11)
2. Haklay M, Singleton A, Parker C (2008) Web mapping 2.0: the neogeography of the GeoWeb.
In: Geography compass, Bd 2. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford
3. USGS Eastern Region PSC 4 (2007) Geographic information systems.
4. Fu P, Sun J (2010) Web GIS: principles and applications. Esri Press
5. Turner A (2006). Introduction to neogeography. O'Reilly
6. Benslimane D, Dustdar S, Sheth A (2008) Services mashups: the new generation of web appli-
cations. IEEE Internet Comput 12:13-15
7. Bansal V, Pal M (2007) Potential of geographic information systems in building cost estimation
and visualization. Autom Constr 16:311-322
8. Dawood N, Mallasi Z (2006) Construction workspace planning: assignment and analysis utili-
zing 4D visualization technologies. Comput-Aided Civ Infrastruct Eng 21:498-513
9. Su X, Andoh A, Cai H, Pan J, Kandil A, Said HM (2012) GIS-based dynamic construction site
material layout evaluation for building renovation projects. Autom Constr 27:40-49
10. Bansal V (2011) Application of geographic information systems in construction safety planning.
Int J Proj Manag 29:66-77
11. Simão A, Densham PJ, Haklay M (2009) Web-based GIS for collaborative planning and pu-
blic participation: an application to the strategic planning of wind farm sites. J Environ Manag
12. Haber R, McNabb DA (1990) Visualization idioms: a conceptual model for scientific visualiza-
tion systems visualization. In: Scientific computing. IEEE Comput. Soc., Los Alamitos, S 74-93
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