Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
the view vector. We can compute the adjusted up vector:
V u =
V v ×
V w .
With normalization, we define
EC orthonormal basis. The
camera space, or camera coor-
dinate, orthonormal basis and
the EC orthonormal basis are
used interchangeably.
V w =(
x w ,
y w ,
z w ) ,
V u =(
EC orthonormal basis:
x u ,
y u ,
z u ) ,
V v =(
x v ,
y v ,
z v ) .
These three unit vectors are perpendicular to each other, and the directions of
these three vectors agree with the axes of the right-handed coordinate system.
For example, if we consider V w to be in the x -direction, then V u is in the y -axis
direction, and V v is in the z -axis direction.
Vector ( V v )
( V u )
(- V w )
Position (p e )
Eye Coordinate (EC) Space
The eye coordinate (EC) space is defined with reference to the EC orthonormal
basis. As illustrated in Figure 14.17, the EC is a right-handed coordinate system
such that
Figure 14.17.
The eye
coordinate space .
Origin. The eye position p e is the origin.
Axes directions. The view vector V v points in the negative z -direction, the
adjusted up vector V u is in the y -direction, and the V w vector points in the
x -direction.
In the EC space with the eye located at the origin looking toward the negative
z -axis, the z -components tell us the distance to the eye:
Visible volume. If the near and far planes are n and f units from the cam-
era, then the near plane is located at z
n , and the far plane at z
f .
We know that only objects with z -component within the range
are inside the visible volume. All other objects are outside of the visible
volume and cannot participate in the rendering process.
Object depth ordering. Objects' relative ordering from the camera can be
easily determined from their z -component: the larger the value, the closer
the object is to the camera. The Z-buffer algorithm takes advantage of this
characteristic to resolve object occlusion when projecting 3D objects to the
2D image plane.
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