Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 10: Using Fields and Tables
Use fields to associate text with drawing properties. Fields are a special type of text object
that can be linked to object properties. They can help to automate certain text-related tasks.
Master It Name two uses for fields that you learned about in the first part of this
Solution Fields can be used to update text that labels a block. They can also be used to
update text and report the area enclosed by a polyline.
Add tables to your drawing. The Tables feature can help you make quick work of sched-
ules and other tabular data that you want to include in a drawing.
Master It What is the name of the visor that appears when you click the Table tool?
Solution Text Editor.
Edit the table line work. Because tables include line work to delineate their different cells,
AutoCAD gives you control over table borders and lines.
Master It How do you get to the Cell Border Properties dialog box?
Solution Select the cell or cells in the table, and in the Properties Inspector palette, se-
lect Border Style from the Cells category.
Add formulas to cells. Tables can function like spreadsheets by allowing you to add for-
mulas to cells.
Master It What type of text object lets you add formulas to cells?
Solution F i e l d .
Export tables. The Table feature allows you to export the text from a table to a CSV file that
can be imported into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Master It Describe how to export a table from AutoCAD into an Excel spreadsheet.
Solution Click to highlight the table. From the Table visor, choose the Export tool. In
the Export Data dialog box, choose a name and a location for the file. Click Save. In Excel,
choose File Open from the menu bar. In the Files Of Type pop-up menu, select All Files.
Locate the file and click Open.
Chapter 11: Using Dimensions
Understand the components of a dimension. Before you start to dimension with
AutoCAD, it helps to become familiar with the different parts of a dimension. This will help
you set up your dimensions to fit the style of dimensions that you need.
Master It Name a few of the dimension components.
Solution Dimension line, dimension text, extension line, and arrow.
Create a dimension style. As you become more familiar with technical drawing and draft-
ing, you'll learn that there are standard formats for drawing dimensions. Arrows, text size,
and even the way dimension lines are drawn are all subject to a standard format. Fortunately,
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