Graphics Programs Reference
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Use layout views for WYSIWYG printing. The layout views show you what your print
output will look like before you actually print.
Master It True or false: Layout views give you limited control over the appearance of
your drawing printouts.
Solution F a l s e .
Chapter 9: Adding Text to Drawings
Prepare a drawing for text. AutoCAD offers an extensive set of features for adding text to a
drawing, but you need to do a little prep work before you dive in.
Master It Name two things you need to do to prepare a drawing for text.
Solution Set up a layer for your text. Create a text style for your drawing.
Set the annotation scale and add text. Before you start to add text, you should set the
annotation scale for your drawing. Once this is done, you can begin to add text.
Master It In a sentence or two, briefly describe the purpose of the annotation scale fea-
ture. Name the tool you use to add text to a drawing.
Solution The annotation scale feature converts your text size to the proper height for
the scale of your drawing. To add text to a drawing, use the Mtext tool.
Explore text formatting in AutoCAD. Because text styles contain font and text-size set-
tings, you can usually set up a text style and then begin to add text to your drawing. For
those special cases where you need to vary text height and font or other text features, you can
use the Text Editor visor of the text editor.
Master It What text formatting tool can you use to change text to boldface type?
Solution The Bold button.
Add simple single-line text objects. In many situations, you need only a single word or a
short string of text. AutoCAD offers the single line text object for these instances.
Master It Describe the methods for starting the single-line text command.
Solution Click the Single Line text icon in the Tool Sets palette. Enter DT ↵ at the com-
mand prompt.
Use the Check Spelling feature. It isn't uncommon for a drawing to contain the equiva-
lent of several pages of text, and the likelihood of having misspelled words can be high.
AutoCAD offers the Check Spelling feature to help you keep your spelling under control.
Master It What option do you select in the Check Spelling dialog box when it finds a
misspelled word and you want to accept the suggestion it offers?
Solution C h a n g e .
Find and replace text. A common activity when editing technical drawings is finding and
replacing a word throughout a drawing.
Master It True or false: The Find And Replace feature in AutoCAD works very differ-
ently than the find-and-replace feature in other programs.
Solution F a l s e .
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