Java Reference
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♦ If the field is a non-blank final field, then the result is the value of the specified
class variable in the class or interface that is the type of the Primary expres-
♦ If the field is not final , or is a blank final and the field access occurs in a con-
structor, then the result is a variable, namely, the specified class variable in the
class that is the type of the Primary expression.
• If the field is not static :
♦ The Primary expression is evaluated. If evaluation of the Primary expression
completes abruptly, the field access expression completes abruptly for the
same reason.
♦ If the value of the Primary is null , then a NullPointerException is thrown.
♦ If the field is a non-blank final , then the result is the value of the named mem-
ber field in type T found in the object referenced by the value of the Primary .
♦ If the field is not final , or is a blank final and the field access occurs in a con-
structor, then the result is a variable, namely the named member field in type T
found in the object referenced by the value of the Primary .
Note that only the type of the Primary expression, not the class of the actual object referred
to at run time, is used in determining which field to use.
Example 15.11.1-1. Static Binding for Field Access
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class S { int x = 0; }
class T extends S { int x = 1; }
class Test1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
T t = new T();
System.out.println("t.x=" + t.x + when("t", t));
S s = new S();
System.out.println("s.x=" + s.x + when("s", s));
s = t;
System.out.println("s.x=" + s.x + when("s", s));
static String when(String name, Object t) {
return " when " + name + " holds a "
+ t.getClass() + " at run time.";
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