Java Reference
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15.11. Field Access Expressions
A field access expression may access a field of an object or array, a reference to which is
the value of either an expression or the special keyword super .
Primary . Identifier
super . Identifier
ClassName . super . Identifier
The meaning of a field access expression is determined using the same rules as for qualified
names (§ ) , but limited by the fact that an expression cannot denote a package, class
type, or interface type.
It is also possible to refer to a field of the current instance or current class by using a simple
name (§ ) .
15.11.1. Field Access Using a Primary
The type of the Primary must be a reference type T , or a compile-time error occurs.
The meaning of the field access expression is determined as follows:
• If the identifier names several accessible (§ 6.6 ) member fields in type T , then the
field access is ambiguous and a compile-time error occurs.
• If the identifier does not name an accessible member field in type T , then the field
access is undefined and a compile-time error occurs.
• Otherwise, the identifier names a single accessible member field in type T , and the
type of the field access expression is the type of the member field after capture
conversion (§ 5.1.10 ).
At run time, the result of the field access expression is computed as follows: (assuming that
the program is correct with respect to definite assignment analysis, i.e. every blank final
variable is definitely assigned before access)
• If the field is static :
♦ The Primary expression is evaluated, and the result is discarded. If evaluation
of the Primary expression completes abruptly, the field access expression
completes abruptly for the same reason.
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